Exuberant public speaker and software system design Company Director Castaly Lombe will give 2 free evening talks in Melbourne in August exposing the critical 3 things people need to achieve life goals.
She said “Most people are exposed to goal setting in the work place, and while there is some overlap, the productivity orientated goal setting style can be a poor model for people’s personal life goals.”
“For example, when a baby is learning to walk, we don’t apply S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely). The baby walks when it is ready. There is a right time for every baby and everybody. Life goals are like that,” she said.
Mrs Lombe said this simple understanding would save people tonnes of guilt and reduce the number of people who abandoned goal setting altogether.
“Unlike productivity driven work goals, when people set life goals, we are looking for passion that will drive us through the tough times! People need 3 important support elements. They need a Life Purpose on top and self reflection underneath. Goals are just part of a more complete picture of what the whole person becomes as they make this journey called life,” she said.
Most people do life goals without these support elements, New Year’s Resolutions are a good example, most fail.
“I show people strategies that work, systems that help, methods available, but at the end of the day, people need to be open minded, curious, inventive and individual in finding what is right for them. I recommend structure and discipline, but I avoid prescription. One size does not fit all.”
As Director of several software publishing companies Mrs Lombe has almost 20 years experience with systems and their design as well as working with people and teams.
Grattan Gardens Community Centre, 40 Grattan Street, Prahran
Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 7-9pm. Ring 1300 344 070 to register
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