“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Ghandi
I clarified why I’m here in 2007. It is to use my unlimited love and boundless creativity and enthusiasm to move, awaken and open people to the possibilities in themselves and in this amazing world and be an agent for positive change.
When I clarified this into words, it was like a chorus of angels started singing. Suddenly I understood how everything that had happened, good and bad, had conspired to bring me to that point. I could also see very clearly where I was going and what I needed to do. I was so inspired.
My husband and I had established a software company in 1989. It is very successful — #1 in its niche. I had learned tons building the business with him and our amazing team. He was very happy, but I was struggling with motivation. We set up Anti-Chaos Systems in 2006 and its first product flopped. It wasn’t aligned with my purpose. Then, in 2009, we released 4me2realize. What followed has been amazing.
Starting a new venture is full of pitfalls. Most businesses fail in the first 5 years. We are no exception; getting traction has been exasperating. But, do you want to know something really weird? Even though we are just starting and experiencing some real challenges, I am having the best time!
The things that would have once sent me sideways or backwards, both personally and professionally, are just blips on a radar that is guiding me towards a greater vision. Motivation is not a problem. I never work. I am playing everyday, discovering and learning more than I ever have before. It might look like work to some, but if you are coming from your heart it’s just pure joy.
4me2realize is perfectly aligned with my purpose. It helps people realize their potential. In building this business I use all of my God-given skills. I get people all of the time telling us how they connect with and love 4me2realize, how it helps them build the life they love and fulfill their purpose.
I am frugal by nature and my husband and I are investing a lot in 4me2realize. I feel like I have jumped off of a cliff because all my fears about money are free falling. I am shit scared a lot! You take a risk to follow your heart. Then, you discover what it takes to have faith in yourself. After a while, instead of being scared and falling, you start to fly. It is exhilarating.
I don’t want to mislead you; this transformation has had some dark, muddy, slippery, cold and fearful moments. The burning light was and is to clearly follow my purpose. It’s like a guarantee. If I am true to myself, then everything will be alright. I cannot go wrong if my burning desire is true. And there is some pain and resistance and self-awareness that must be unlocked. All I can say is… the seeking is worth the reward.
In today’s busy, competitive world, it’s so easy to get distracted and sidetracked. When I get lost, I go back to my purpose. It gives me comfort, strength, guidance, direction, motivation and determination.
What is really weird is that once you get hooked into your Why, it doesn’t really matter what you do, or what other people think. Conventional definitions of success and failure melt away. You have your own yardstick. Your life purpose doesn’t limit you to one thing — it frees you to do what makes your heart sing, whatever that may be.
With heart singing passion, joy, love and enthusiasm,
Castaly Lombe
PS Here’s a poem that sums up everything 
One Hundred Possibilities, One Authentic Life
When you think there is only one option
There are walls and limitations.
There are one hundred possibilities
for you to realize your potential.
How do you transform boundaries
into boundless opportunities?
Let your thoughts run free
as they were meant to be: creatively.
When you have one hundred possibilities
pick the one that suits your best. Be true to you.
Know WHY you do what you want to do.
When you have one hundred possibilities,
You have a choice.
Choose who you are, Choose how you will live.
Choose your rules. Choose the meaning.
When you have one hundred possibilities,
you have to decide –
Who do you want to be? What’s important?
When do you let go and move on?
Change. Take responsibility.
When you have one hundred possibilities,
you have to take action.
Action that resonates and motivates.
Action that inspires and frightens you.
Action that ignites the fires of creation and brilliance
that for so long lay dormant within you, softly burning.
Massive action that stuns you from the stupors of mediocrity.
When you have one hundred possibilities
the chains that shackle you break.
Your heart opens.
When you have one hundred possibilities
you can live one, authentic life.
Source: http://liveyourwhy.com/
CASTALY LOMBE Chief of Makin' it Happen |
Be the change you want to see in the world.
- Mahatma Gandhi |