Your goals contribute to your purpose, often directly and often indirectly. Life is a balance. Life is made of up stuff you can control and some stuff you can’t. 4me2realize goes easy on having “target dates” for this reason. As long as you can keep your goals in your conscious and why you must work towards them, you will be motivated to take action. As long as you are taking action you are achieving.
Think about what is a goal and what is a project. Don’t make a goal like “cycle 5 days a week” – this should be a project, the goal should be “to be healthy and fit”. If you cannot think of projects for this goal then it is probably not a goal.
We recommend that you don’t write down every single goal you have in your life now and for the next 50 years. Just the ones that currently have a “reason” and that you can work on now. You will also find as you gather knowledge and experience your goals might change so you need to have the space to be adaptable.
If you imagine a uni-cyclist, their balance is never “still”. Your weight is always shifting in a random pattern, the subconscious mind must constantly adapt to the purpose (to stay upright). If you find yourself under achieving in an area or goal, then adapt by using all of your resources.
When entering a goal you will be asked to associate it to a “life balance”. Life Balance is where you link your goal to an area of your life, i.e. family, friends, career, finance, health, etc. 4me2realize uses these life balance areas to analyze your activity once you start recording events. Life balance is dynamic. 4me2realize proposes the concept that “life balance” is the answer rather than the question, meaning we don’t start by defining life balance, but rather it is a result. The result, if unbalanced is a good opportunity to reflect and redirect your effort if required.
Want to start Really Realizing your Dreams Today?
We offer No Obligations 60 Day Trial. Start your journey today....
4me2realize is a great way to make sure the things you do will create the person you want to be, rather than letting life dictate what you will become. 4me2realize is your secret weapon for incorporating the BIG picture into the small details that you must do every day.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Realize your Resolutions - Make Your New Year’s Resolve STICK
This article is 778 words and will take you less than 2 minutes to read.
From the team at Anti Chaos Systems we wish you a joyous, festive and blessed Christmas season and a wonderful year 2010 realizing your dreams!
Wednesday 22 December 2009, From my Michelago desk, watching bushfires burn!
New Year’s is traditionally a time when we make a list of “resolutions” that we want to achieve in the coming year.
Do you have your list for 2009? Did you achieve some, all or none of your list? Or have you given up on making resolutions so you don’t need to worry about failing? Or has someone else set your resolutions for you like in this cartoon?
Google New Year’s Resolutions and there are 2 million web sites promising to help you keep that resolution. Yet many people fail to keep a single resolution. Why is this? Why do our good intentions fizzle out?
New Year’s resolutions are like to-do lists. On their own they do not work. This missing ingredient is MOTIVATION!
Often we make resolutions because we think we should. We are driven by obligation, duty, fashion, politics or other people. None of these are going to be long lasting motivators.
What you want to find is a deep emotional driver from within yourself, something that is going to “turn you on” for a long time!
The most common resolutions include, lose weight, manage debt, get a better job, quit smoking, drink less alcohol, reduce stress.
These are good goals but don’t make them if you don’t have the motivating, inspiring why. Empty promises, like unfulfilled resolutions can sap your confidence and undermine your progress.
Here’s something to ponder, make ONLY ONE commitment – to take time to make your resolutions carefully.
Here’s some suggestions, please make some time for yourself over the holiday season and try this;
What must you discard in your thoughts, feelings, actions? Connect with your spirit as you visualize yourself achieving this goal. Intensely feel the emotions, these are your motivators! The stronger you feel, the easier it will be to achieve your resolutions! When you get waylaid, just repeat the exercise, it is mental exercise, no sweat involved! And the more you exercise, the stronger your mental attitude gets.
I have a friend who each year spends two days camped by the river doing this exercise. My friend is wise and knows that this solitary time of reflection and introspection will create a better future and she dedicates the time fitting for the task. She always comes back, suntanned and inspired! And her family are always pleased to see her back because she is happy and positive.
Often we get caught up in the busyness of life. Contemplative time becomes a victim, yet it is this thinking time that can save us from stress and it’s multitude of related modern diseases. Take time for yourself and think though the WHY’s that will motivate you to succeed.
A lot of people baulk from doing this exercise because it sounds like hard work, but when you get started, it is FUN. It’s like being a kid in the toy store before Christmas and being told, you can have anything you want How good would that feel?
All of this process is very easy in 4me2realize, because the software systematically walks you through it and not just on New Year’s Eve but every day you use it, making your chances of success even better. Perhaps you should make it your New Year’s resolution to try this software.
Why not try it now, click here to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
And if you order now you’ll get 3 months of free on-line support and a year of FREE upgrades.
P.s. We are going to take a break over Christmas. So I will write again in the new year. Looking forward to talking with you then.
Yours Sincerely
Wednesday 22 December 2009, From my Michelago desk, watching bushfires burn!
How can you get a stay motivated to achieve your resolutions?You MUST have an inspiring, powerful, emotionally intense reason WHY. And those Reasons must align with WHO you are.
Here’s something to ponder, make ONLY ONE commitment – to take time to make your resolutions carefully.
Here’s some suggestions, please make some time for yourself over the holiday season and try this;
- Write a list of a few (say 5) resolutions.
- Write 5 reasons why for each resolution.
- Describe the feelings you want.
- Take time, reflect, dig deep within yourself.
What must you discard in your thoughts, feelings, actions? Connect with your spirit as you visualize yourself achieving this goal. Intensely feel the emotions, these are your motivators! The stronger you feel, the easier it will be to achieve your resolutions! When you get waylaid, just repeat the exercise, it is mental exercise, no sweat involved! And the more you exercise, the stronger your mental attitude gets.
I have a friend who each year spends two days camped by the river doing this exercise. My friend is wise and knows that this solitary time of reflection and introspection will create a better future and she dedicates the time fitting for the task. She always comes back, suntanned and inspired! And her family are always pleased to see her back because she is happy and positive.
Often we get caught up in the busyness of life. Contemplative time becomes a victim, yet it is this thinking time that can save us from stress and it’s multitude of related modern diseases. Take time for yourself and think though the WHY’s that will motivate you to succeed.
A lot of people baulk from doing this exercise because it sounds like hard work, but when you get started, it is FUN. It’s like being a kid in the toy store before Christmas and being told, you can have anything you want How good would that feel?
All of this process is very easy in 4me2realize, because the software systematically walks you through it and not just on New Year’s Eve but every day you use it, making your chances of success even better. Perhaps you should make it your New Year’s resolution to try this software.
Why not try it now, click here to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
And if you order now you’ll get 3 months of free on-line support and a year of FREE upgrades.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
It's all About YOU!
Using 4me2realize launches you on a journey of self discovery. Here's a sneak peak at what you'll dicover in 4me2realize;
- How to create a Life Purpose that inspires and motivates you to achieve your goals and projects with no effort or discipline
- How to identify the thoughts and actions that sabotage your good intentions
- What is incongruence and how to recognize it and how to stop it stalling your decisions and actions.
4me2realize Application,
Life Purpose,
Who are you?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Journal Writing - Power and Pitfalls
This letter is 795 words and will take you two and a half minutes to read. It gives insights on the power and pitfalls of writing journals.
Thursday 2 December 2010 From my Canberra desk
Many people think of journaling as a “Dear Diary” type of self absorbed and useless exercise. And it can be that. Or it can be a gift of clarity. The difference between the two is structure and discipline.
I have used a journal for years. The developmental stages of my journal charts my personal growth. In my youth, it was a completely unstructured, self absorbed, stream of consciousness narrative. Reading back is nauseating! In my middle years it became more structured and positive, starting with a section on gratitude. No longer seriously self absorbed but probably not that riveting to anyone else but me. And that’s Ok, it’s for my eyes only.
And while this was a wonderful improvement, I was still having problems. It was hard to track progress on individual goals in my life, it was chronological rather than subject organised. It was hard to remember and look up particular life lessons learned or anything else, no search function! It wasn’t secure and subject to getting lost or read by others! And it was painfully slow and time seems to be speeding up and I had less to spend journaling!
Journals are however priceless when it comes to problem solving and that’s why they survive. You can have a conversation with yourself, stating the problem, and then systematically raising and evaluating solutions.
Because you have to write it down, you have to slow down your thinking. This is very beneficial. Our thoughts are lightning fast. It’s not till you really question your thinking, make the unconscious conscious, that you realize how your thinking is influencing your actions.
Everything starts with a thought.
Not all our thinking serves us well. Slowing down your thinking by writing will help people identify more clearly what is driving or not serving them.
That’s where the second tenant of journal writing comes into effect. Using structure and discipline will stop you sliding into self centred absorption. Ideally you want your writing to slow your thinking so you can identify the things that serve you and those that don't in your thinking and behaviour. There is a trap, in self centred writing, to use the writing medium to justify yourself to yourself. Not very searching, but satisfying if you are content to stay where you are.
By using structure in your journal, you are being guided to analyse your thinking and your actions with an intellectual discipline. If your goal is to buy a house and you’re no closer to you outcome; what would you prefer, to know your right in whatever story you tell yourself, or identify the thinking and behaviour which is limiting you from achieving your goal?
At the end of the day it's your choice. You have to accept the rescue.
My final journal development is 4me2realize. It solves the problems I was having with my journal. It is secure, protected, can’t be lost and it’s structured. I can look at entries by subject or in chronological order, like a normal daily journal. It also helps analyse what I do in relation to my Life Purpose, which gives me clarity. It also helps me see when I am engaging the behaviours that help me and those that do not serve me. It took me a while to “realize” that this system was better that what had taken me years to develop, but when I did, I was hooked.
4me2realise is great for people who are not good at writing, or don’t like writing. The entries can be short and quick and 4me2realize will link them to your overall goals and projects. You can quickly see what you are doing and what is working for you and what is not happening. The journal writing will give you clarity and 4me2realise will pull all your life together into a meaningful whole. After all, you life is not separate bits, but a whole, marvellous life.
Why not try it now, click here to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
And if you order now you’ll get 3 months of free on-line support and a year of FREE upgrades.
Kind regards
The Pros and Cons of Keeping a Diary
Thursday 2 December 2010 From my Canberra desk
Many people think of journaling as a “Dear Diary” type of self absorbed and useless exercise. And it can be that. Or it can be a gift of clarity. The difference between the two is structure and discipline.
I have used a journal for years. The developmental stages of my journal charts my personal growth. In my youth, it was a completely unstructured, self absorbed, stream of consciousness narrative. Reading back is nauseating! In my middle years it became more structured and positive, starting with a section on gratitude. No longer seriously self absorbed but probably not that riveting to anyone else but me. And that’s Ok, it’s for my eyes only.
And while this was a wonderful improvement, I was still having problems. It was hard to track progress on individual goals in my life, it was chronological rather than subject organised. It was hard to remember and look up particular life lessons learned or anything else, no search function! It wasn’t secure and subject to getting lost or read by others! And it was painfully slow and time seems to be speeding up and I had less to spend journaling!
Journals are however priceless when it comes to problem solving and that’s why they survive. You can have a conversation with yourself, stating the problem, and then systematically raising and evaluating solutions.
Because you have to write it down, you have to slow down your thinking. This is very beneficial. Our thoughts are lightning fast. It’s not till you really question your thinking, make the unconscious conscious, that you realize how your thinking is influencing your actions.
Everything starts with a thought.
Not all our thinking serves us well. Slowing down your thinking by writing will help people identify more clearly what is driving or not serving them.
That’s where the second tenant of journal writing comes into effect. Using structure and discipline will stop you sliding into self centred absorption. Ideally you want your writing to slow your thinking so you can identify the things that serve you and those that don't in your thinking and behaviour. There is a trap, in self centred writing, to use the writing medium to justify yourself to yourself. Not very searching, but satisfying if you are content to stay where you are.
By using structure in your journal, you are being guided to analyse your thinking and your actions with an intellectual discipline. If your goal is to buy a house and you’re no closer to you outcome; what would you prefer, to know your right in whatever story you tell yourself, or identify the thinking and behaviour which is limiting you from achieving your goal?
At the end of the day it's your choice. You have to accept the rescue.
My final journal development is 4me2realize. It solves the problems I was having with my journal. It is secure, protected, can’t be lost and it’s structured. I can look at entries by subject or in chronological order, like a normal daily journal. It also helps analyse what I do in relation to my Life Purpose, which gives me clarity. It also helps me see when I am engaging the behaviours that help me and those that do not serve me. It took me a while to “realize” that this system was better that what had taken me years to develop, but when I did, I was hooked.
4me2realise is great for people who are not good at writing, or don’t like writing. The entries can be short and quick and 4me2realize will link them to your overall goals and projects. You can quickly see what you are doing and what is working for you and what is not happening. The journal writing will give you clarity and 4me2realise will pull all your life together into a meaningful whole. After all, you life is not separate bits, but a whole, marvellous life.
It’s your life to be lived, enjoyed and realized.All these principles are incorporated in 4me2realize.
Why not try it now, click here to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
And if you order now you’ll get 3 months of free on-line support and a year of FREE upgrades.
Kind regards
Friday, November 20, 2009
4me2realize Reminder System
My Reminder
Now you have set up all your Goals and Projects how are you going to remember to do all that stuff?
4me2realize has a powerful reminder function that lets you do the nagging, arh, reminders! The reminder feature uses mobile phone text messages and emails to help you remember what’s important. If you have ever got caught up in something, and all your other priorities have gotten lost, then this feature will really help you because it will interrupt you and remind you of what YOUR agenda is.
4me2realize also offers 2 types of reminders, set or random. Set reminders occur at a specific time and are great for goals and projects. Random reminders area bit more feral! They can happen at any time and you can use them to really start working on your unconscious mind. The randomness of the message means you don’t expect it, which adds impact. Random messages are great for wisdom, gratitude, and magic moments, and getting you focused on what really matters in your life.
There are two more reminder types, free form or connected to a project or goal. Free forms are reminders about whatever you want and connected relate to a specific goal or project.
Start Realizing your Dreams Today!
Now you have set up all your Goals and Projects how are you going to remember to do all that stuff?
4me2realize has a powerful reminder function that lets you do the nagging, arh, reminders! The reminder feature uses mobile phone text messages and emails to help you remember what’s important. If you have ever got caught up in something, and all your other priorities have gotten lost, then this feature will really help you because it will interrupt you and remind you of what YOUR agenda is.
4me2realize also offers 2 types of reminders, set or random. Set reminders occur at a specific time and are great for goals and projects. Random reminders area bit more feral! They can happen at any time and you can use them to really start working on your unconscious mind. The randomness of the message means you don’t expect it, which adds impact. Random messages are great for wisdom, gratitude, and magic moments, and getting you focused on what really matters in your life.
There are two more reminder types, free form or connected to a project or goal. Free forms are reminders about whatever you want and connected relate to a specific goal or project.
Start Realizing your Dreams Today!
Changing your life and realizing your dreams isn't hard or scary
My name is Castaly Lombe and I am one of the Directors of Anti Chaos Systems, the company that created 4me2realize. If you want to know more about me, I’m on facebook.
I really wanted to thank you very much for becoming a fan of 4me2realize.
If you haven't already, you should order our free book “Realize Your Dreams,” from our website 4me2realize.
It’s great that you are actively looking for ways to improve your life. Congratulations, many people don’t even get this far. I’d love to know what you think and how you are travelling on this amazing journey called life. What are you going to do next?
I really want to know because I used to find I’d make a start at something and then all the busy stuff of life would sideline my good intentions. I have great plans but the dishes still need to be washed or the TV watched or my friends are waiting for me!
Making a decision about taking control of your life, making improvements, changing things can be daunting.
You have already made a decision to look at software that can help you. You’ve made some investigations on the web and you’ve a fan. Well done! Already you are on track to creating the life you desire, because not only are you making decisions you are taking action.
So I’m writing to ask, what’s your next step? What decision and action will you take?
Using 4me2realize helps me see every day the accumulated effect of the consistent actions I take. It helps me direct my action to where it will be the most positive and useful and it gives me a great sense of satisfaction because I can easily see the progress I am making.
I use 4me2realize everyday to get clarity and focus about my life on a daily basis. What I find brilliant is the way it then gives me a bird’s eye view of my overall life and Purpose and the positive things I am doing.
I used to get overwhelmed because of the long to-do list I had. Not anymore. I have a Purpose that drives me through the clutter.
I talk from personal experience but everyone who has used 4me2realize says the same thing.
I would like you to try 4me2realize and prove this for yourself. When you subscribe you have a 60 day Money back guarantee. That means if during the first 60 days you don’t like the software, just shoot me an email and I will refund your money in full. No questions asked, no guilt.
So you have nothing to loose and everything to gain including a life of Purpose, where you get out of bed every morning knowing you’re on track to realize your Dreams.
How hard is it to make a decision to subscribe, to take action? Well, sometimes it can be tough. I mean what if the software doesn’t work or deliver? What if it just isn’t for you?
So I would like to offer you something that will help you take action. If you subscribe now I will provide 3 months of FREE on-line support and a year of free software upgrades.
That’s right, your software will be upgraded automatically for a year. Some companies charge more for this. We don’t. We want you to have the best software we can make. We want you to be super happy, so of course we want you to have the most up-to-date software version. This is one of the neat advantages of working with an on-line application. While you sleep, we can upgrade your software and make improvements. You don’t need to do anything. Every time we upgrade the software, you’ll get these improvements immediately.
And now you will have the reassurance of support. Anytime, anywhere we will respond to your email. No question is too much. We want to really get you on track to a better life. To realize your potential, to fulfil your true and wonderful destiny. But there might be some hurdles, or confusion, or challenges with the software. We don’t want this to stop you. All you have to do is send us the details at and within a maximum of 24 hours we will respond. Quicker if you live near Australia’s time zones
Normally software vendors charge extra for support services. These charges can be quiet large ranging from tens to hundreds of dollars! This can be a big disincentive, especially when you are just getting started and you only want a little help... so let’s do it for FREE
We know that after 3 months you will be able to use the software and will have a really good grasp of what it can do for you. After all, it’s super easy to use and understand.
Getting help is so important to getting you going, that’s why I am making this offer.
I hope these offers will provide the incentive you need to make a decision and take some action.
Click on this link and then the Subscribe button to start the ball rolling now.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
It’s that easy.
I look forward to giving you you’re first lesson on how to use the software and getting excited together as we help you on your fantastic journey called life!
Yours sincerely
I really wanted to thank you very much for becoming a fan of 4me2realize.
If you haven't already, you should order our free book “Realize Your Dreams,” from our website 4me2realize.
It’s great that you are actively looking for ways to improve your life. Congratulations, many people don’t even get this far. I’d love to know what you think and how you are travelling on this amazing journey called life. What are you going to do next?
I really want to know because I used to find I’d make a start at something and then all the busy stuff of life would sideline my good intentions. I have great plans but the dishes still need to be washed or the TV watched or my friends are waiting for me!
Making a decision about taking control of your life, making improvements, changing things can be daunting.
You have already made a decision to look at software that can help you. You’ve made some investigations on the web and you’ve a fan. Well done! Already you are on track to creating the life you desire, because not only are you making decisions you are taking action.
Want to know a secret? Changing your life is not hard, it’s not big and it’s not scary. You just take a small step and keep walking.Decision and action will change your destiny. They propel every step you take, shape your future and you have complete control!
So I’m writing to ask, what’s your next step? What decision and action will you take?
Using 4me2realize helps me see every day the accumulated effect of the consistent actions I take. It helps me direct my action to where it will be the most positive and useful and it gives me a great sense of satisfaction because I can easily see the progress I am making.
I use 4me2realize everyday to get clarity and focus about my life on a daily basis. What I find brilliant is the way it then gives me a bird’s eye view of my overall life and Purpose and the positive things I am doing.
I used to get overwhelmed because of the long to-do list I had. Not anymore. I have a Purpose that drives me through the clutter.
I talk from personal experience but everyone who has used 4me2realize says the same thing.
I would like you to try 4me2realize and prove this for yourself. When you subscribe you have a 60 day Money back guarantee. That means if during the first 60 days you don’t like the software, just shoot me an email and I will refund your money in full. No questions asked, no guilt.

How hard is it to make a decision to subscribe, to take action? Well, sometimes it can be tough. I mean what if the software doesn’t work or deliver? What if it just isn’t for you?
So I would like to offer you something that will help you take action. If you subscribe now I will provide 3 months of FREE on-line support and a year of free software upgrades.
That’s right, your software will be upgraded automatically for a year. Some companies charge more for this. We don’t. We want you to have the best software we can make. We want you to be super happy, so of course we want you to have the most up-to-date software version. This is one of the neat advantages of working with an on-line application. While you sleep, we can upgrade your software and make improvements. You don’t need to do anything. Every time we upgrade the software, you’ll get these improvements immediately.
And now you will have the reassurance of support. Anytime, anywhere we will respond to your email. No question is too much. We want to really get you on track to a better life. To realize your potential, to fulfil your true and wonderful destiny. But there might be some hurdles, or confusion, or challenges with the software. We don’t want this to stop you. All you have to do is send us the details at and within a maximum of 24 hours we will respond. Quicker if you live near Australia’s time zones
Normally software vendors charge extra for support services. These charges can be quiet large ranging from tens to hundreds of dollars! This can be a big disincentive, especially when you are just getting started and you only want a little help... so let’s do it for FREE
We know that after 3 months you will be able to use the software and will have a really good grasp of what it can do for you. After all, it’s super easy to use and understand.
Getting help is so important to getting you going, that’s why I am making this offer.
I hope these offers will provide the incentive you need to make a decision and take some action.
Click on this link and then the Subscribe button to start the ball rolling now.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
It’s that easy.
I look forward to giving you you’re first lesson on how to use the software and getting excited together as we help you on your fantastic journey called life!
Yours sincerely
Thursday, November 19, 2009
How do you achieve balance without joining the circus?
618 words, about one and a half minutes to read
Thursday 19 November 2009 from my Michelago desk at 3.30pm
Life balance is a often used phrase these days as we struggle to juggle life’s demands while walking the work/life balance tightrope. Sometimes it seems just another unachievable concept to tease and stress you!
Life balance is often measured using the wheel. The exercise involves dividing your life into categories and scoring your level of satisfaction in each category. Like in the wheel below.... then you find out, is your wheel balanced or wonky?
The theory is that a balanced wheel is where all areas of your life are scored evenly, and that a wonky wheel suggests areas of correction. This can be useful if you are aiming for a balanced wheel! But it can also be rather arbitrary, subjective and not so helpful. In my opinion, it misses the point!
What if you are a professional swimmer? Then Health and Fitness category, by necessity, would be maybe 75% of your life balance and many other things would score lowly, because this is what you must do to achieve excellence! You have to focus on what you want to achieve. This isn’t a wonky wheel or a life out of balance, this is a life designed around achievement of specific goals. The point is not getting a balanced life, but first deciding what you want and then balancing your life, actions and decisions to achieve what you want.
Rather than getting stressed about balance, it is much better to decide on what you want and then balance your life toward the achievement of these goals. This can be a huge revelation and reducer of stress.
The same applies to a woman who has made her priority to be a stay-at-home mum. Her Life Balance will be overwhelmingly weighted towards looking after the children and the home. Her career/work category is going to score low and there is nothing wrong with that if that is what she wants. If it’s not what she wants, then it’s time to reorganise.
The wheel can be a useful tool, but it is important to also remember that all of us go through different stages of life balance. For example, consider the Life balance in each of the following three cases...
Thee circles represent the time and energy three people in very different circumstances would spend on their career, recreation and relationships. The time they allocate is affected by Life stages and their own aspirations, not a subjective and arbitrary notion of Life Balance.
You see, how you run your life is entirely up to you and where you are at in your life and what you are trying to achieve.
If your goal is to improve your finances yet you consistently spend most of your time in health and reaction, well it’s time to get real! 4me2realize doesn’t tell you what to do, but it very clearly helps you see what you are doing and get alignment with what you want.
Why not try it now, click here to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
And if you order now you’ll get 3 months of free on-line support and a year of FREE upgrades.
Kind regards
Thursday 19 November 2009 from my Michelago desk at 3.30pm
Life balance is a often used phrase these days as we struggle to juggle life’s demands while walking the work/life balance tightrope. Sometimes it seems just another unachievable concept to tease and stress you!
Life balance is often measured using the wheel. The exercise involves dividing your life into categories and scoring your level of satisfaction in each category. Like in the wheel below.... then you find out, is your wheel balanced or wonky?
The theory is that a balanced wheel is where all areas of your life are scored evenly, and that a wonky wheel suggests areas of correction. This can be useful if you are aiming for a balanced wheel! But it can also be rather arbitrary, subjective and not so helpful. In my opinion, it misses the point!
What if you are a professional swimmer? Then Health and Fitness category, by necessity, would be maybe 75% of your life balance and many other things would score lowly, because this is what you must do to achieve excellence! You have to focus on what you want to achieve. This isn’t a wonky wheel or a life out of balance, this is a life designed around achievement of specific goals. The point is not getting a balanced life, but first deciding what you want and then balancing your life, actions and decisions to achieve what you want.
Rather than getting stressed about balance, it is much better to decide on what you want and then balance your life toward the achievement of these goals. This can be a huge revelation and reducer of stress.
The same applies to a woman who has made her priority to be a stay-at-home mum. Her Life Balance will be overwhelmingly weighted towards looking after the children and the home. Her career/work category is going to score low and there is nothing wrong with that if that is what she wants. If it’s not what she wants, then it’s time to reorganise.
The wheel can be a useful tool, but it is important to also remember that all of us go through different stages of life balance. For example, consider the Life balance in each of the following three cases...
Thee circles represent the time and energy three people in very different circumstances would spend on their career, recreation and relationships. The time they allocate is affected by Life stages and their own aspirations, not a subjective and arbitrary notion of Life Balance.
You see, how you run your life is entirely up to you and where you are at in your life and what you are trying to achieve.
When you use 4me2realise, we take the guesswork out of Life Balance. As you journal, especially against your goals and projects, you note how much time you dedicated to this. At any point you can see how much time you have spent on a project, on a big goal and in any Life Balance category you care to create. In this way you can assess and decide if your life is unbalanced or perfectly balanced to achieve your goals.
If your goal is to improve your finances yet you consistently spend most of your time in health and reaction, well it’s time to get real! 4me2realize doesn’t tell you what to do, but it very clearly helps you see what you are doing and get alignment with what you want.
Why not try it now, click here to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee.
4me2realize 60 Days FREE TRIAL
And if you order now you’ll get 3 months of free on-line support and a year of FREE upgrades.
Kind regards
Monday, November 2, 2009
Who are you?
“Who are you and who do you want to be?” is the most important question when you start to create a plan for your life. You want to find out what your life’s purpose is because this will give you the reason for everything you do in your life.
It transforms cooking for the family, into a loving act of providing the family with lifelong habits of good nutrition and healthy living. You want to be a wonderful parent. How can cooking be a chore when it has this inspiring purpose?
This is the secret of motivating yourself to get what you want, start first with WHO you want to be.
Here are a few tips to describing your purpose:
If somebody (or a universal guiding force) looked at your life and could see past, present and future, what would they say your purpose would be?
Assess your life experiences to date, your challenges, your gifts, and your opportunities. Find the direction and reason for these, and how they might contribute to a purpose. Look at what you contribute to family, friends, and colleagues. In conversation and consideration, what balance do you bring to the situation?
Have fun and start Realizing your Dreams Today!

We all have a purpose but many of us have never thought to describe it in a sentence. Do not fear, a “purpose” is not final or ultimate. It is always evolving. It evolves as we gain more knowledge and experience of ourselves.Your Life’s Purpose, put simply, is something that you work towards all your life.
Here are a few tips to describing your purpose:
- It should be broad enough to encompass many aspects of your life.
- It should be something that you never complete.
- It should be something that gives you a good feeling.
- It should be something that contributes to others.
If somebody (or a universal guiding force) looked at your life and could see past, present and future, what would they say your purpose would be?
Assess your life experiences to date, your challenges, your gifts, and your opportunities. Find the direction and reason for these, and how they might contribute to a purpose. Look at what you contribute to family, friends, and colleagues. In conversation and consideration, what balance do you bring to the situation?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
An Overview of this Powerful Tool
The software covers nearly everything you need to know about creating a driving, inspiring purpose and how to live everyday according to that visionary purpose, things like:
- Who you need to be to achieve your purpose
- What drives you to make goal getting easy
- What you must avoid to achieve your goals
- What goals and projects you need to do to achieve your purpose
- An automatic reminder system to keep you on track
- A journal to keep you focused and aligned to you purpose, goals, and projects
- A easy to use systems to track your Progress
- A great way to remember the magic moments in your life
- A tool to quickly create a personal reference of your life’s wisdom that you could use every day.
- Your driving, inspiring, motivating and meaningful life purpose, your dreams and visions of a better life, with
- Your goals and projects, what you do every day, with
- Your contemplative reflection, in an exciting process of self evaluation and improvement.
For your eyes only
4me2realize is web-based software and “for your eyes only”. You can access it anywhere you go through the internet and it is more secure than having it on a personal laptop. At the moment, 4me2realize is compatible with Internet Explorer 6 and above.
4me2realize has 7 shortcuts for
- Easily tracking what you want, with what you do
- Aligning everything you do with your Life's Purpose
- Using Journaling to achieve clarity
- Minimising things that stop or slow you down
- Maximising motivators that help & drive you forward
- Creating habits of enlightenment as you contemplate your life
- Realizing WHY you want something so that it is easy and fun to achieve
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Why and How is 4me2realize Different?
4me2realize is unique because;
- Combines 3 powerful self improvement strategies, designing and applying a Life Purpose, Goal setting and journaling.
- Puts them together in an online computer database that can be used anywhere, anytime.
- The design of 4me2realize links Life Purpose with Goal setting with journaling, just like life, they overlap and interlink.
- Traditional Journaling’s chronological limitations are overcome by 4me2realize because it organises information BOTH by date and subject giving people great clarity, focus and power in their life design.
- These links help people get alignment and congruence between how they think and behave.
- It helps people orchestrate their lives.
- It is simple, fun and satisfying to use and people stay with it.
- Once established people can clearly see it’s benefits in their lives.
- You will actually come to look forward to your 4me2realize time each day.
- It does not gather dust on a bookshelf after the event or after you’ve read it.
- It is not expensive, your real investment is time and commitment for a better life.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Crewing at Unleash the Power Within 2009, Singapore.
Wooohooo! Castaly and I applied to Crew at UPW Singapore and our applications were both successful. Actually to tell you the truth the fact that I’ve filled out my Purpose bit in 4me2realize really helped. The questions (gruelling they were!) in the application form were eerily similar to the questions within 4me2realize. Yay for me!
We arrived in Singapore on the 2nd of September and checked into the Changi Village Hotel. We organised to meet up at breakfast and perhaps go into Singapore City to have a little peek before coming back to the Changi area to attend the registration for UPW 2009 Crew at the Sing Expo.
So at about 9am we set out to explore Singapore. First stop was Singapore flyer to have a bird’s eye view of the city. After that we took an open-air double-decker tour bus ride with a tour guide – it was delightful! We stopped off at Orchard Road and Chinatown after that.
We reported for duty at the Sing Expo at about 2.30pm. There were about 75 of us from around the world who decided to contribute time and resources towards helping to make the event more enjoyable and for the participants to have the maximum experience from UPW.
We were all given Crew tee-shirts, duties and name tags. We felt belonged. And we belonged to a legion of fantastically amazing people! We were all there for one Purpose; to make the event the best event ever, and to ensure that participants get the full impact of the event.
And on the first night, I walked on fire AGAIN! Yay! Exhilarating!
Throughout the event, I danced on stage 3 times! Once with Joseph McClendon III and another time with Tony himself!
We all know who Tony Robbins is but not many people know about Joseph, he is the founder of the Pro-Sequences Research Group, instructor at UCLA, International speaker, Senior Head Trainer and Instructor at Robbins Research’s highly acclaimed Mastery University and co-author of many of Tony’s books.
On the last day that Tony was presenting at this 4 day event, The Crew (small but mighty team we were!) was invited on stage in front of the 5000 strong-crowd of participants and I was at the very front and towards the middle. What an experience!
Tony led the way by singing us the gratitude song. Now, this is special! He was at the front, facing US, The Crew! Amazing! He announced that we did an astonishing job, seeing that the usual allocation was 1 Crew member per 40 odd participants. There were only 75 of us! And that is how we were nick-named “The Small But Might Team”.
It was an incredible time for me. I felt very rewarded, seeing faces of enthusiastic participants and Crew members. Feeling it, being there, and experiencing it. We were all lacking sleep, food and toilet breaks (no one wanted to leave the hall and miss out on anything Tony had to say and impart!) but we were feeding off each others’ energies and supporting each other. Astonishing!
I’m so glad I Crewed at this event. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to do so and I will be forever grateful for the experience, knowledge and bonds that were made with so many remarkable people.
We arrived in Singapore on the 2nd of September and checked into the Changi Village Hotel. We organised to meet up at breakfast and perhaps go into Singapore City to have a little peek before coming back to the Changi area to attend the registration for UPW 2009 Crew at the Sing Expo.
So at about 9am we set out to explore Singapore. First stop was Singapore flyer to have a bird’s eye view of the city. After that we took an open-air double-decker tour bus ride with a tour guide – it was delightful! We stopped off at Orchard Road and Chinatown after that.
We were all given Crew tee-shirts, duties and name tags. We felt belonged. And we belonged to a legion of fantastically amazing people! We were all there for one Purpose; to make the event the best event ever, and to ensure that participants get the full impact of the event.
It was an amazing time for me, as we got to work with many remarkable human beings (the Crew). We got to meet Loren Slocum who acts as the Event Director for all Tony’s events and she is also the Founder, CEO and President of Lobela International who wrote the book “Life Tuneups” as well as other amazingly inspiring and high calibre people who lent their time and resources to making this event a magnificent one.
And on the first night, I walked on fire AGAIN! Yay! Exhilarating!
Throughout the event, I danced on stage 3 times! Once with Joseph McClendon III and another time with Tony himself!
We all know who Tony Robbins is but not many people know about Joseph, he is the founder of the Pro-Sequences Research Group, instructor at UCLA, International speaker, Senior Head Trainer and Instructor at Robbins Research’s highly acclaimed Mastery University and co-author of many of Tony’s books.
On the last day that Tony was presenting at this 4 day event, The Crew (small but mighty team we were!) was invited on stage in front of the 5000 strong-crowd of participants and I was at the very front and towards the middle. What an experience!
Tony led the way by singing us the gratitude song. Now, this is special! He was at the front, facing US, The Crew! Amazing! He announced that we did an astonishing job, seeing that the usual allocation was 1 Crew member per 40 odd participants. There were only 75 of us! And that is how we were nick-named “The Small But Might Team”.
It was an incredible time for me. I felt very rewarded, seeing faces of enthusiastic participants and Crew members. Feeling it, being there, and experiencing it. We were all lacking sleep, food and toilet breaks (no one wanted to leave the hall and miss out on anything Tony had to say and impart!) but we were feeding off each others’ energies and supporting each other. Astonishing!
I’m so glad I Crewed at this event. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to do so and I will be forever grateful for the experience, knowledge and bonds that were made with so many remarkable people.
Fire Walk,
Life Purpose,
Personal Development,
Tony Robbins,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Help! What is my Purpose?
Hello everyone, my name is Iris Lisle and I am the person in charge of Operations and Marketing Communications at Anti Chaos Systems, the company that created 4me2realize. If you want to know more about me, I’m on facebook.
I have just started using 4me2realize and found it so useful for myself. And just to share with some of you, I found it confronting when prompted to fill out the ‘Purpose’ bit within the software. And yet I am so blessed to be asked this question....”What IS my Purpose?”.... Many people go through 50, 60 even 80 years of life without taking some time to think or have been privileged to be confronted with this question.
It took me a while to figure this out. But honestly, the first word that came to my mind was "serve". My Purpose is to Serve! It took me about a week and a half to perfect my description and it now has 68 words which captures the essence of my Purpose. Really it doesn’t matter how many words I can type in to describe my Purpose, it is about soul searching deep down, taking some ME time to take a step back and reflect; WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? It is being privileged enough to be confronted with this question. It is about knowing your CORE.
When you fill out your Purpose, do not be alarmed if you go blank! That’s what the system does, it makes you think and think really deeply. It gives you the opportunity to reflect (actually it forces you to!) every time you use it.
The hardest bit for me was seriously, the Purpose.
After that, it was a breeze!
I login to 4me2realize as frequent as I check my emails and facebook account. It keeps me honest, on check, on track and accountable.
It’s a wonderful system. I’ll keep you updated with my journey with using 4me2realize.
I have just started using 4me2realize and found it so useful for myself. And just to share with some of you, I found it confronting when prompted to fill out the ‘Purpose’ bit within the software. And yet I am so blessed to be asked this question....”What IS my Purpose?”.... Many people go through 50, 60 even 80 years of life without taking some time to think or have been privileged to be confronted with this question.
It took me a while to figure this out. But honestly, the first word that came to my mind was "serve". My Purpose is to Serve! It took me about a week and a half to perfect my description and it now has 68 words which captures the essence of my Purpose. Really it doesn’t matter how many words I can type in to describe my Purpose, it is about soul searching deep down, taking some ME time to take a step back and reflect; WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? It is being privileged enough to be confronted with this question. It is about knowing your CORE.
When you fill out your Purpose, do not be alarmed if you go blank! That’s what the system does, it makes you think and think really deeply. It gives you the opportunity to reflect (actually it forces you to!) every time you use it.
The hardest bit for me was seriously, the Purpose.
After that, it was a breeze!
I login to 4me2realize as frequent as I check my emails and facebook account. It keeps me honest, on check, on track and accountable.
It’s a wonderful system. I’ll keep you updated with my journey with using 4me2realize.
Life Meaning,
Life Purpose,
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